Therapy that gets you

  • Gender Affirming Therapy

    A safe space to explore your journey of self-discovery and authenticity. Whether it’s navigating social challenges, considering medical transition, or seeking support in affirming your gender identity.

  • Relationship Counseling

    If you are struggling with trust issues, intimacy, or compatibility, learn tools for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and strengthening emotional connection, building healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

  • Kink Dynamics and Identities

    Explore your desires and fantasies in a supportive and understanding environment. Whether it’s navigating power dynamics, negotiating boundaries, managing jealousy or insecurity, or fostering intimacy and connection.

  • LGBTQ+ Affirmative Therapy

    Get help navigating family dynamics, coming out, internalized stigma, coping with discrimination, or minority stress.

  • Coming Out

    A safe and supportive space to explore your feelings, fears, and goals. Providing validation, empathy, and practical strategies for self-disclosure.

  • Coping with Discrimination

    Whether it’s microaggressions, workplace discrimination, or social exclusion, together we can navigate stigma and prejudice through self-compassion and empowerment.

For whatever life throws at you

  • Individual Counseling

    Gain insight into patterns of behavior, and develop coping strategies to navigate life's challenges.

  • Struggling to focus

    Concentration or commitment challenges in my day-to-day life

  • Loss of someone I care for

    Coping with grief and loss

  • Divorce or Separation In My Life

    Emotions and stress in relationship changes

  • Managing Stress

    Identifying and handling stressors within my life

  • challenges with family

    Difficulties in family realtionships (both biological and chosen)

  • Career related anxiety

    uncertainty and stress caused by my career

  • Feeling down or lack motivation

    feelings of sadness, indifference, or apathy

  • Challenges with personal relationships

    difficulties in friendships and personal relationships

  • Being a new parent

    Navigating the emotions and responsibilities of parenthood